1. “I guess it's sometimes hard to distinguish between second
chances and last chances.”
The definition of a mistake is an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong. With people making
mistakes everyday you sometimes get a second chance. When you get a second chance
some people look at it “oh I know what I wrong I’ll just do this instead”. They
don’t really take the opportunity for what it’s worth and think about their next
decision and whether it would be right or wrong.
In chapter three pg 54-55 Wes says “my mother
had begun to threaten me with military school if I didn’t get my grades and discipline
together… But I knew there was no way my mother would allow her only son to be
shipped off to military school. Regardless of the suspensions I had. It was too
remote, too permanent. Maybe she shit me to a school closer to home, maybe a
public or catholic school, but not a, military school”. Wes’s mother told him
if you don’t get your act together I’m going to send you to military school.
With this being said she basically gave him a second with a hint you need to
get your act together or this will happen. Wes was just making excuses for
himself so he would make himself think that he wasn’t going to get switched. As
Wes kept thinking this his mother had no other choice but to eventually switch
him to military school.
I’m always horrible with taking tests and I guess
I always with be. When I’m taking a test I just want to get it over with so if I
don’t know an answer I will take my time on that question. Usually after tests
you get the choice of making tests corrections or stick with grade you have.
Once you get your test back and see the answers you got wrong you tend to rush
through it. You do this because “you believe” that you know the right answer
just because you got the question wrong.
my personal experience and the example from the book I hope that I showed that
you shouldn’t always take your second choice for granted. You should also use
that second chance more wisely and responsibly so you can do what you know is
You have the right explanation of the quote- don't take second chances for granted. However, I think you could have explained the detail from the book more clearly. I felt like some of your support was repetitive. Grade: 80%